about me

Thank you for visiting McNeleyphoto.com!

My name is Chris McNeley and I’m a photographer based in central Iowa. I’ve always had a passion for photography but it wasn’t until 2017 that i bought my first real camera and started realizing i had a special talent. From there, i pushed myself to learn the basics of camera operation and photo editing. the love i had for my new hobby fueled my desire to turn it into something more. As time went by and I gained more experience, i continued my determination to learn and to become the best photographer i could be.

Today, my passion and determination is stronger than ever. I’m still pushing myself to continue learning new ways to shoot and edit photos.

Of course, I don’t think I could’ve become the photographer I am today without the support of my friends and family. You know who you are and I want to thank you for all you’ve done to encourage me!

Through this website, I showcase the results of my work and make it all available for purchase. I hope you enjoy what you find here, and I hope you share it with your family and friends!

All of the prints I sell utilize the highest quality materials available to ensure your walls become the most stunningly decorated walls they can be!

Thank you!

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